Austin Spinal Care

William M Austin DC

Certified in:
  • Sports Injury Management
  • Neuromuscular Rehabilitation

Dr Bill Austin has been a healthcare provider for past 55 years. His career includes college athletic training at the University of Massachusetts, emergency medicine in the US Navy, English Bone-setting, college health sciences instructor, and as a Doctor of Chiropractic. A cum laude graduate of Logan College of Chiropractic and certified in sports chiropractic and rehabilitation, Dr Austin developed successful practices in Connecticut and Arizona before serving as the Director of Professional Education at Foot Levelers, Inc. from 1994 – 2006.

Dr Austin has presented over 3,500 hours of post-graduate education at seminars and chiropractic colleges throughout the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, England, and South Africa. Dr Austin has extensive training and experience in the fields of biomechanics, orthotic therapy, and structural rehabilitation, as well as publishing nine peer-reviewed research papers.

Though semi-retired, Dr Austin still enjoys helping patients with chiropractic care, nutrition, and therapeutic exercise.